Saturday, July 9, 2011

Eating Fast Food on a Diet? | AstroNutrition

While eating at home allows for the most control over your caloric intake and is therefore the best way to ensure steady weight loss, there are nevertheless times when eating out is inevitable.? Perhaps you are on a road trip or travelling and can?t access a kitchen to make your favourite diet meal.? Perhaps you are staying with family and they are all headed to the local drive-thru.? In times like these you needn?t forgo your diet menu entirely and give up until you can make it back home to the comfort of your own kitchen.? Instead, follow these few tricks to keep your diet on track even when you have less control over your meals than you usually do.

1.Soup, Soup and more Soup.? One of the best methods for staying to your calorie limit while still eating out is to order a soup.? Many fast food places have a soup option, but beware of cream sauces and other fatty bases.? Stick to a good wholesome clear broth, or opt for a protein rich lentil or bean option.? While these may still have a few extra calories they are at least healthy and therefore not empty calories.

2.Salad Options.? Just because a salad is on the menu doesn?t necessarily mean it is diet friendly.? Beware of heavy cream dressings and fatty additions like bacon or mayo.? Opt for a light salad dressing and skip any heavy meats.? Salads can be a great way to stick to you diet so long as you avoid these pitfalls.

3.Order Small.? Ordering small means choosing an appetizer instead of a main or opting for a kid?s size.? Many fast food joints offer smaller child size portions and so if you can?t find a healthy alternative to a burger and fries than at least order a smaller amount.? A smaller portion will help ensure you don?t overdo it, so if you have to indulge just make sure you maintain some moderation.

4.Skip the Drink.? Well, okay you don?t have to skip liquids entirely, but make sure you opt for water or a diet soft drink if necessary.? There is simply no reason to add on more calories than you have to with a regular pop.? Best option is always water, but if you absolutely need to have a cola make sure it is a diet one.

These simple tricks can make eating out, even with fast food, more palatable in terms of your diet.? When you can?t avoid eating on the run, just make sure you limit the damage by using the above parameters.


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