Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Caleb said, ?Give Me That Mountain!? | tHis family tree | generational ...

We have been blessed since our last post. God has been faithful to set up great meetings with Keith and other individuals who allow him to share our story and our vision as we continue to seek God?s provision with partnerships through others who believe in God?s calling in our lives to pursue opportunities with Life Action Ministries.

God continues to confirm and affirm that calling in our lives. I read sometime last week some thoughts from Dr. John Rosemond about how the lack of true biblical discipline can lead to death for our children? eternal death, that is. It stirred on some other thoughts of my own. If we as parents are consistent in our discipline with our children, out of a loving spirit, then can we actually lead our children down a path of life? eternal life, that is? Absolutely! I believe that with all my heart. Their final decision on following Christ will be totally up to them, but it does not allow us to be slack in our efforts to lead them there. What a calling and what a privilege.

We were also blessed with a visit from my mom and dad. It had been 3 months since seeing them. That very well may be the longest stretch ever! On Saturday Keith asked if we wanted to go and visit Kennesaw Mountain and do a little hiking. It was cloudy and threatening to rain, but the kids needed to get out some energy. Now, even though we have some older children very capable of a hike, we also still have little ones who would need assistance. We decided to give it a try anyway.

I strapped Mercy on me in my beloved Ergo Carrier. Maleah rode on the shoulders of either Keith or my daddy part of the time. Stephen needed an occasional carry, but for the most part he hiked the whole way himself? barefoot a lot of the time. Another hiker walked by and said, ?Look at him. He is going to be a barefoot runner one day!?

My mother struggles with asthma, so we would stop and rest in different parts on the way up the mountain. I think we were all glad for the rest. At the very end she told us to go on and she would sit and rest. We were looking at the view and making sure the children didn?t fall head first off the mountain, when up she came emerging from the woods and we all gave a loud cheer for her accomplishment. It was great!

We decided to take the paved route back down. We were able to enjoy each others company and not worry about little one?s falling on rocks. We spotted several deer and the breeze felt so refreshing. Granna led the pack going down.



Once getting home and really thinking about what we just did, I realized that the children had not ever hiked like that before. We really heard minimal complaining and the boys had a blast. Joshua ran and walked the entire way. As we walked over some of those rocks on the way up one of us remembered the story of 85 year old Caleb. The Bible says he was still strong and healthy as he was when he was 40. Out of all the places he could have chosen to live, he chose the one with the most difficult terrain. Oh, as a mom, how I want my children to be strong physically. To take care of themselves now, so they can continue on in adulthood with strong, healthy lives. But, really, I desire even more for them to be strong in spirit. A child strong in spirit will turn into an adult strong in spirit. Knowing that with God all things are possible. A heart that is not confident in self, but confident in the God who lives within them. So,? when life throws them a mountain with rocks to climb, they will be like Caleb and say, ?Give Me That Mountain? as they wholly follow the Lord as Caleb did.*

I am thankful for the challenge that I received yesterday at our church at First Baptist Woodstock and the messenger who gave it, Jim Law. I am thankful for the reminder of the great calling God has placed on mothers and how Proverbs 14 says that, ?A wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands.? May I be a wise woman.

*You can read about Caleb in Joshua 14

los angeles kings earth day timothy leary jonathan frid pujols watchmen hitch

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