Thursday, March 15, 2012

Making Real Estate Videos The Easy Way - Own Maine Real Estate

Real estate videos are one effective, quick and easy way to "show and tell" a property listing, to completely showcase a local community.??

Video Shows, Tells About The Local Community FlavorReal estate videos put an area on the map so?buyers?who?want to relocate, retire, vacation?or make an investment get "schooled" quick and easy.

If they like what they see and hear in a community video they might be more?interested than seeing just a photo on a static page with skimpy copy.?

Video delivers so much more with sight and sound.

But?getting REALTORS to understand this?is like asking a crowded, shoulder to shoulder room of cigarette smokers how many would like to quit.

The same overwhelming response in hands held high happens for??the number or REALTORS who wish they were doing real estate videos. Sadly, less than five percent of real estate agents?or brokers are shooting, editing, rendering?and uploading video productions.

So let's get this right. Most real estate professionals would agree they all should?be doing videoMooers Realty Real Estate Videos on a regular basis.?They could be boosting their property listing inventory,?increasing the number of real estate sales, and improving their overall brand image exposure visibility.

But?they still don't use videos just the same. Hmmm, interesting.? So if real estate video is the cat's meow,??why?the?feet dragging??from?using it in the media arsenal as a primary tool?and marketing weapon? Why the fear and dread of producing real estate videos???It all boils down to a couple of recurring reasons. Causing the log jam, creating obstacles from popping a few powerful vitamin "V"'s in to the real estate marketing daily diet.

?Christine Donovan is a Costa Mesa California real estate broker / attorney, on the real estate Active Rain blogging platform.? When I asked??why?she?wasn't using video yet, she replied:?

?"I have no good reasons for not doing video, but here they are - don't like seeing myself on camera, no time, not good at editing and don't like the production quality.? Like I said, no good reason."?

Christine's lament gets added to by fellow blogger Missy Caulk of Ann Arbor Michigan telling usVideos Help Deliver The Sweet, Juicy Area, Property Details. "four and a half hours for one real estate video production is unacceptable".?

That is too much time?to?invest.

The look and feel of the real estate video not being so hot when the agent, broker is done?are?the?two major stumblers.

Keeping the number of real estate professionals in markets around the blue and green revolving marble from making, launching one right after the other videos.


Real estate video production like?training wheels biking?comes with a learning curve.

That needs to be flattened. And the ease, time involved shooting, editing, rendering and uploading?them drops proportionately to the number of videos an agent, broker has in their channel. Many real estate professionals have dust gathering expensive boxes of video and audio gear hidden out of sight in the back office. Video production halted out of beginner frustration. As the rest of the day to day real estate routine demands their time and attention for survival. Don't give up.

Up front, real estate video done right is a jealous master.

But then the?views on your real estate video channel increase rapidly. And you can put your finger on this, this and that sale or listing happened because of your video marketing. Your mood changes. To bright yellow round smile face happy. Videos only you in your real estate market are putting in the time to perfect. Become your new best friend, business partner. Fun, more polished, fine tuned like the other media any real estate agent, broker had better be using since a little event called the Internet happened.

I have produced over 900 videos and it gets easier, needs to be part of your daily exercise in marketing on the Internet. It is what Maine real estate buyers want.

Start small, Dick and Jane simple.

Forget your dynamic charismatic award winning ego gratifying agent, broker, branding videos.Videos Breath Life In To The Local Area. Instead, local events with you behind the video camera.

Short videos on the community flavor. Because your real estate buyer can? buy a property anywhere.

Tell them, better yet show them with natural footage, sound from the community why they should pick your GPS coordinates over the many others.

Fifty percent of folks live within fifty miles of where they were born but what about the other half of the real estate buying pool?

These guys and gals plugged in to your channel frequency need a tour guide first. Then a real estate agent, broker secondly to show them around. Bring them up to speed anytime of day or night with community videos. Lots of them.

Now do we all agree a limited number of still property images are just stuck, trapped in time static, limited and lacking? And that real estate video, with audio that is forty percent of the connection breathes life in to the property listing? Then don't do a slide show of the same images the busy real estate buyer has already seen on your site. And try to pass it off as a real McCoy video.

Don't waste the audio tract with Kenny G filler.

As sound bed filler that does not contribute or add information the buyer can use as you "beam" them to the property. It only avoids silence, "dead air" if you do. Do you turn the sound off, enjoy it more when watching the news? And remember, like trying to fly with out wings, learning to swim without water, real estate video done right needs editing skill development.

Loops shot, then move and set up next shot, with a story board plan. With sequential clips stitched together and easy on the eyes transitions to save time. Go easy on the transitions.

Don't use Be A Busy Bee, Get Video Going For Real Estate Marketingsome at all. And limit the best choices for the ones you do pick for a predictable look.

For consistency, familiarity?in your videos.

Designed for maximum reach, with a high degree of frequency.

Plus?just one or two videos and fooling only yourself that you do video is like shooting yourself in both feet and wondering where the bullets originated from as you bleed out.

You can not hand gallop through a property in one long, boring take either. Those kind of red blinking light video adventures mean your buyer needs a handful of Dramamine. He or she jumps ship quickly. Swimming to shore. Won't be back for another video liner?cruise. You made an impression alright, but not the?right intended kind.

Using the eyes and ears with real estate video makes a deeper connection, engagement.

With real video, audio, all the buyer has to do is sit there. Relax, watch and listen after that initial double click with their trigger finger to start the information transfer process. At 30 to 60 frames per second video, sound to fill in the information gaps and cracks.

The market the real estate professional is in, the types, prices of?inventory listings all guide the approach for what is shot and edited for a video. Example, large Maine farm with 300 acres of land. Lot of barns, plenty of out buildings, a stream, woodlot, fields. Black and white actors, Holstein cows. Other critters.

robin_1538Loops shot, not left on the editing floor of a?pan of the crops.

No one can tell you a thirty second one loop video is going to entice a buyer from eight or more hours away to say "I'll take it, send me the purchase and sale agreement."

The longer video is needed to do the place justice. If it is a glorified slide show, you are right.

End it quick before the real estate video buyer flits, bolts?on his own.??

It's not a case of Super Bowl advertising short and sweet, funny, witty because of the expense and purpose.

The many time zones away real estate buyers needs a seven course property listing buffet spread. More time on the property buying clock. So?it becomes a case that you the real estate agent, broker have better provide all they need to satisfy the hunger. For helpful video, imagery, audio, map?information on the property, the local area where its located.

No longer a just a case of do they like it, can they consider living in this property. Or is there anything they would like in your brand new to them area. After watching the video ten times, sending a link to it to their grandparents who are helping with the down payment, the clipboard list shortens. Now just dealing with finishing up the sale on their end takes priority. Explaining to the kids that Mom and Dad are not crazy for uprooting them. Considering a move up to wherever in the country.?

Today's real estate purchaser is no longer just local.


Videos stick around.


Transmitting, broadcasting, radiating?round the clock if you create ones worth watching.


And apply the same search engine optimization principles that?on line websites, blogs have too if you want to have them show up in a front page query.

The video with?a lake dock sunset?and sounds of loons, motorboats, kids laughing. Hearing water lapping along the shore may be just the ticket. Finally the waterfront real estate buyer has found a vacation second home he can afford. Without even leaving his living room many states away. A little further drive or flight to use it now but the price fits the wallet he sits on. The purse or credit loan limit?that she carries.

If you don't begin real estate video production, they won't improve either. And the major missing hole in your marketing grows bigger and bigger. Causing a very noticeable sucking, vacuum sound that all your real estate buyers and sellers can hear very plainly.?Face your fear of making real estate videos. Follow our Me In Maine blog posts.

I'm Maine REALTOR Andrew Mooers, ME Broker |? This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it ? |? 207.532.6573?


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